There isn’t a Perfect… Is there?!?!?!

“Every day there are challenges that are thrown at us…  Who should we be, where should we go???  What will people think of me, the things that I do, the decisions that I make???  Do we truly have to strive for perfection, but perfection in the eyes of others or the eyes of ourselves, our mind’s eye???

Everyday that goes on is a day that we live not for the satisfaction of others but for the satisfaction that we can achieve that which others think we can’t, or what we have told ourselves won’t work…

Define Perfection…  In the dictionary its a noun which means:

  • perfect nature: the quality of something that is as good or suitable as it can possibly be
  • process of perfecting: the process of becoming or making something perfect
  • example or instance of being perfect: somebody or something that reaches the highest attainable standard, or an instance of this

Funny!  I don’t think that this is a suitable definition but synonyms state excellence, flawlessness…  We are excellent in our own ways, we are flawless not in the eyes of other but what we see in ourselves…

Why uphold the image that others view you in if it is truly not the person that you are…  Excellence, or perfection is being proud of who you are, where you have gone, how far you will go and the drive that pushes you each day to make the next day better for yourself than it was the day before…

There will be obstacles that will bring you down, but why let them?  We each have our own strengths and should surround ourselves with others that bring that strength out, encourage it, embrace it…  Love you for who you truly are…  Hint that isn’t what is on the outside, it the entirety of YOU!

I have flaws, imperfections, have things that are not what the general public would deem as beautiful…  But there is no other person that is ME…  that was left to my mind, my body, my heart…

There is nothing better in the world than taking each day for what it is at face value and making the best out of it all and recognizing that there isn’t a perfect…  there is a quality of perfection, but nothing is perfect without a few bumps and bruises…

Here’s to another day!


Reaching the BIG 3-0 and going the extra mile

I don’t feel like I’m turning 30, not in the least bit…  I haven’t really felt like I’ve lived to the fullest because there is so much that the world has to offer and I haven’t achieved most of it… BUT I will say that turning 30 has definitely made me want to experience LIFE that much more…  Everyone thought that I would be the sister that would still be married, have the kids, be “that mommy…”  But I’m not…  I’m the aunt with no kids, not married and still trying to figure out what the next day is going to hold for her…

30 has always sounded like it was a BIG deal…  Like it was life changing and I would feel the effects of 30…  I was told that my mentality and way of living life would be different that I would become “more mature” as one friend put it…  But is that necessarily a good thing?

I have made BAD decisions in my life…  but to counterbalance that I have made some pretty good ones… I don’t regret anything that I have accomplished, done, will do in my life…  I take it all in stride and hope that tomorrow is that much more exciting…

YES I did think that by now I would have a family and that I would be “that mommy” but my cards are laid out a little differently and I’m okay with that…

I’m the aunt with the tattoos and piercings…  I cherish life and I’m trying to live it the best way that I know how…  I’m complimented more frequently on my dress…  I do in fact feel more mature…  I want to dress that way but I also want to appreciate myself as a person…  I workout, I eat right, I cherish my family and friends…  

But no matter what life throws at me I am willing to go that extra mile…  Its that time when you need to do what’s best for you…  Age has nothing to do with the way that you feel…  Age is only a number…  Like tree rings…  But if you’re willing to accept and continue to live and still remember that child inside…  that extra mile isn’t so extra…  Its just one step to the left or right…

Here’s to 30… and many more… LOVE!



TRUE Friends

I’ve gone through many UPS and downs, friends that come and go… There are the select few that meet the grade… Stick around for the long haul… Sometimes they come when you least expect it… Sometimes it’s the most unlikely person… But you can pour out your heart and soul and they’ll listen, giver you that harsh feedback, snap you out of that slump, make you realize what you’re worth and what you should be worth to those that didn’t treat you a such…

Lies are not a thing of true friends… That harsh reality… Yeah, they do it… But it helps to listen… It helps to have that devils advocate… Why live life blindly, wondering what if over things that you can’t control…

Friends like this will slap you in the face… Tell you exactly what you think you may be right about… Help you with closure… And for lack of a better term say FUCK IT, MOVE ON!!!

Life is full of the unexpected… You can’t always win it all, know it all, succeed through it all… You have to take the downs to reach those GREAT ups! That’s life’s challenge… It makes you stronger and molds you into that person you are meant to be…

Put a brave smile on your face, know it’s NOT the end of the world, and walk knowing that you’ve made it and you’ll get there and those TRUE friends will help you fight every step of the way!

Thank you to those in my life! I know who you are and you mean the world… I hope that I am able to return what you have for me… 1Love



Love should be unconditional! Without boundaries, time, rules… But how many people love like that??? That’s just too scary…

I love big because there’s no point in holding back that which the heart feels… Does it bite me in the butt??? YUP! Sometimes! Lesson learned, moving on!!! No one person is the same and you can’t fault one for the mistakes of another…

Maybe I’m a hopeless romantic, maybe I’m gullible, oblivious to what I should hold back and what I shouldn’t… But if a love so big can be shared, and affect one person at any given time, why not share it!

I love my family unconditionally! My sister is my FOREVER BEST FRIEND… Nothing will replace that… And the friends, the true friends that I have made… All hold a special place with me…

Never give up! Where’s the fun in that???

Love on,
Live on!